
Flower Shop

I'mso happy that I finally finish this one! It is a large piece for me.

The concept of this piece is:
Every girl is as beautiful as each flower.


Does anyone feel the cat on the top left looks familiar?
It's another cat I did by Adobe illustrator before. XD 
Easter Egg! lol 

1 comment:

  1. Friends this information about flowers hope you like it and this good information for you. One of the most common trees in Australia, the Eucalyptus tree, also known as gum trees, produce beautiful blossoms. They have a wide range of colours, such as white, red and yellow green flowers. Instead of petals, these flowers have stamen like growths that surround the centre of the flower. As there are a wide variety of eucalyptus trees, their blossoms come in many different forms and colours as well. Australian flowers come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colours and they may grow on shrubs, trees or as flowering plants. Each region of the country has their own unique flowers, many of which are used in floral arrangements or bouquets.
    world of flowers
